With the conclusion of both the practical and written phase of the GCE exams, all students of the intermediary level, (Secondary and High school) are having a well-deserved rest. The exams that those of the ‘examination classes’ are from writing gives a lot of stress not only to the students but teachers parents and siblings alike. This makes the nation to sort of ‘be on its feet’. These exams have been concluded successfully without any major incidents. No situation went out of control.
After such a great exam is written, rest is but temporary. The question of when results will be released is what strikes everyone after about a month of ‘rest’. Nonetheless, with the release of the BEPC results, earlier this week, students are becoming a little restless. The BEPC is an equivalence of the GCE Ordinary level in the Francophone system of education. Everyone still awaits the release of the equivalence to the anglosaxone GCE Advanced level, BACC.
Furthermore, according to a circular claiming to be from the Cameroon ministry of secondary education (MINESEC), (picture below), the deadline for the release of the GCE results is Friday 28 July 2023 (28/07/2023). This date is at least a week earlier than the average date expected (07/09/2023) by most Cameroonians. It is commonly said to be released on the first weekend of the month of August.
Nonetheless, students will always be patiently waiting for the results.
For any advanced level students who might be confused on what to be doing while waiting for the results, we propose you check out our blog on 2022 concours in Cameroon. It might be of help. You can as well seek for information about your dream carrier. Find orientation from an appropriate source on how to get there in Cameroon. If you need help in that, you can always contact us via the contact tab on this website. We will be happy to help any how we can.
Written for www.alstug.com
By: BUO Genesis K.
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