Mathematics is the science of size. This entails that mathematics studies anything that takes up space or has a size, but that sounds like Physics or no, Chemistry, no rather Biology. The truth is that all these sciences interconnect. Mathematics can therefore be better defined as the science of size that focuses on the shape and the relationships that the shape has with space. The concepts developed in Mathematics can be observed in 2 principal ways.
Abstract mathematics and Applied mathematics.
The border between these 2 ‘types’ of mathematics is very thin but it exist though. Abstract Mathematics limits itself to the study of core topics in Mathematics and their direct link with numbers. That is, barely studying Pythagoras’ theorem and always finding the hypotenuses of imaginary triangles on pieces of paper. Applied Mathematics on the other hand will not hesitate to use the knowledge on how to find the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle to find the actual distance be tarred on a slope.
Applied Mathematics therefore simply makes use of concepts developed and studied in abstract mathematics.
How is mathematics studied?
The study of mathematics starts from the very basic level of education in absolutely every nation of the world. Absolutely everyone, literate or not, has some basic knowledge of Mathematics. Even babies that are still unable to pronounce actual words already have an idea on quantity.
Getting to the school milieu, the concept of numbers (like letters of the alphabet in Language) is the first thing that children are expected to master. The mastery of “counting numbers grows into the mastery on how to group objects (set theory), classifying numbers grows to basic operations (BODMAS). In no time, the learner is out of the scope of Arithmetic and graduating quite quickly into the mathematics of NOW and TOMORROW.
Calculus is the mathematics of Now and Tomorrow. The mathematics of Relativity.
Of what use is the study of mathematics?
The current study system in Cameroon for secondary and high school is termed the “Competency Based Approach” – CBA system. The study of mathematics using this system is geared at providing a better comprehension of other subjects not just when its applications are necessary but also in boosting the students reasoning faculty. Thereby facilitating especially the sciences. Aside from assisting the sciences, boosting reasoning and intellect, mathematics could also be used professionally.
The number of uses in the study of mathematics are so numerous that we have to split them into: uses to the learner and uses to the others. Let’s talk about the others at another time. Let’s talk about you, the learner for now. As someone who has devoted himself to the study of mathematics, congrats you are now a Mathematician. As a Mathematician, you are useful in the upbringing of the next generation (lecturer and teacher), you are needed in the research institutions like the NASA. The expertise of a mathematician are equally needed in most engineering companies. As a matter of fact, no engineer exist without Mathematics.
Below is an elaborate but not an exhaustive list of professions for holders of a degree in mathematics.
- Mathematician
- Mathematics lecturer
- Secondary school mathematics teacher
- Algorithmic engineer
- Data scientist.
- Software engineer
- Entrepreneur.
- Investment banking analyst.
- Auditing
- Management consultant.
- Operations research analyst.
- Process engineer.
- Project manager.
- Quality assurance manager.
- Etc.
Written for www.alstug.com by:
BUO Genesis K.
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