Biology is the study of living things. Biology is a term that originates from 2 Greek words “bios” which means life and “logos” which means study or science. This makes Biology the science of life. In essence, the study of Biology is divided into 3 branches which include; Botany, Zoology and Ecology. In this article we shall discuss:
- The branches of Biology.
- How biology is studied.
- Major professions possible after studying Biology
The branches of Biology
Biology is the considered by many as the broadest branch of science. It is therefore has several divisions such as anatomy, physiology, virology, parasitology, etc. Nevertheless, there exist 3 principal branches of biology; Botany, Zoology and Ecology. According to me all other branches named will find themselves in at least one of the aforementioned branches, though many others may have their own perspectives with reasons. If we use Anatomy (What is Anatomy? - Definition & History - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com) for example, it is the study of the structure and position of parts of living organisms. This entails that anatomy is a branch of study that could find itself in all the above-mentioned branches (zoology, botany and ecology). Is anatomy therefore worthy of being given the title of an independent branch? The answer is clearly NO.
With this concept, even Ecology will be questioned as it is the study of ecosystems. This means, ecology is not a direct bio-study but includes the environment. I still agree with it though with the fact that studying plants and animals independently will not make sense. Studying the interactions between these ‘segments’ is in actuality what completes the study of biology. The relation that ecology has with the environment makes it one of those direct links that Biology has with Geography.
- Zoology: This is the branch of Biology that studies animals. Studying animals entails it studies the behaviours, structures, physiologies, classification and even their distribution around the globe.
Physiology is the study of the normal functions and functioning of the parts of a living organism. It is often said that it is the study of the anatomy meaning it is impossible to study physiology without knowing anatomy.
- Botany: This is the branch of Biology that studies the structures, forms, classification and distribution of plant life within a given area.
- Ecology: This is the branch of Biology that studies both plants and animals, (not independently but) their relationships with each other and their environment. Biology is certainly incomplete without the branch of ecology.
How Biology is studied.
In most countries around the world biology starts from secondary school. In Cameroon for example, learners are taught biology from Form one (1), the first year of secondary school and is studied for seven (7) years before the university. In Nigeria, learners start studying biology in SS1 (Senior Secondary 1) and is studied for 3 years before the university. All syllabus contents are moderated by the respective examination boards. Notwithstanding, there is always a national syllabus.
Major careers possible after studying biology
The very first career any student ever hears about when studying biology is medical doctor but there exist a lot more options. I would like to divide them into Professional and Research. Professionally you could be a medical doctor (there a various types), nurse, midwife, and any other medical practitioner. Research-wise you could be a zoologist, botanist, biochemist, ecologist, physiologist, genetician, virologist, parasitologist, biotechnician, physio-pathologist, etc. The list is relatively inexhaustible. You can find more information here(20 Careers You Can Pursue with a Biology Degree (careeraddict.com))
Biology they say, is the bulkiest science but it is great fun to study. Imagine you understand the exact reason why your heart sounds 2 times for one heartbeat. Imagine you being able to explain what happens as you take a drug. Imagine understanding why you can never have chicken pox again. These are all stories for another time.
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