The 2023 – 2024 academic year has officially come to an end. Yes, all classes have closed. All exams have been written, promotional and national exams alike, for the primary and secondary levels of education in the Cameroon educational system.
It is worthwhile recalling that the educational system in Cameroon is divided into the Anglo-Saxon and the “French” system of education. The Anglo-Saxon system is controlled by the Cameroon GCE Board while the “French” system is officiated by the “Office du BACC, OBC. Unlike other years, the GCE exams surprisingly finished and concluded written sessions before the OBC exams’ written sessions. What comes next, depends on the level of the students in question.
Starting with the majority is those of intermediary classes. Those of Primary one (1) to six (6), Forms one (1) to four (4) and lower sixth students. Generally, students move out for holidays. Parents make a choice of a family member who accepts to accommodate the children for the summer and BOOM! It’s Holiday! How about those who can’t go or parents are not just willing. Well, most parents prefer to keep their children and rather keep them learning. Personally, it’s not the best idea but I can’t force my idea on everyone. If you are a student who wants to attend classes during these holidays or a parent who wants your child to attend classes during these holidays, I strongly advice you give the student at least a month of rest. Also, if you are in Douala, Cameroon, I have a place I can recommend. The picture below will be informative.
For form 5 students who just wrote the GCE Ordinary Level, you frankly have only one choice: stay home and help out. Yes, while waiting for the results of the GCE Board, all you can do is wait. The nature of your individual results is what will determine what you’ll do. That will be in August. Upon the release of the results, you’d be issued a “Result slip” which will serve in applying or reapplying into a school of your choice, for high school.
GCE Advanced Level candidates (I prefer not to call them upper sixth students any longer), are in a more complicated scenario that I tried to elude in a post like this one in 2022. Should you get a job, rest or further your education are a few of the questions in mind. I have a proposal, further your education but not randomly. Pick something precise you can do and afford. All government universities and university institutes are the same price, XAF55, 000 for both classical and professional studies.
Note however that professional studies in a government school is only possible if you pass a competitive entrance exam (CONCOURS) into that institute or faculty. Contact us directly through our contact form or make use of the picture below.
Written for www.alstug.com
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