On the 11th of May 2023, the transport agency, Touristique Express SA was given a one month suspension by the minister of transport under the authority of the ministry he heads. This suspension was based on the fact that there was an official death toll of 14 people and some material loses according to

After this suspension was made public, the transport agency recieved a lot of support, notwithstanding the consequences of the accident. According to the PRESS RELEASE here below, the minister causiously list out the different groups of persqons who came in to plead on behalf of the transport agency. The Press Release below is in french Language, as that is what flies a lot faster in our nation. Nonetheless, we always offer a translation and promise to provide a copy in English Language as soon as we find one.

Press Release authorizing touristique Express to restart operations.


The minister of transport brings to the public that, following the accident on national road one(1) by "Touristique Express SA", causing a loss on human lives and materials: considering the analysis of the said inspection taem assigned to this company from the 11th to the 15th of May 2023; considering the plea of the Cameroon Group of Terrestrial Transporters (in french: Groupement des Transporteurs Terrestre du Cameroun - GTTC), that recognises the lapses of this company and has engaged in the corrective works; considering the plea by the League of Cameroonian Consumers (in French: Ligue Camerounaise de Consomateurs) that asked for 'clemance' by evoking the social preoccupations that this may cause; keeping in mind the cry of the citizens on the displacement difficulties in the 'septentionale' part of the country. Considering the massive displacement due to the coming "HADJ" and the start of the holidays; in the spirit of celebrating national unity this coming 20th of May.

Following the solid undertakings, taken by the company "Touristique Express SA" to take immediate actions to optimise passenger security, amongst which are;

  • The installation of a centralised management system for the full fleet of inter-urban transport.
  • The recycling of all its nvigation personnel.
  • A medical check on driving aptitude with a stress on the drivers visual acuity.
  • An amelioration on general woeking conditions.
  • A regularisation of its workers' salaries and their affiliation to the CNPS.

The minister of transport has decided, exceptionally, to remove as of this day, the suspension on the company "Turistique Express SA". Consequently, they are authorised to restart all [their usual] operations.

A technical team from the ministry of transport will observe as the said measures are put in place.

SIGNED: The Minister of Transport, NGALLE BIBEHE Jean Ernest Massema.

DATE SIGNED: 15th May 2023

We can see above not only the people who pleaded on behalf of the transport agency but also those who ill benefit from it like the muslims and students returning to their home towns or going out for holidays.

The people of these regions (the Northern parts of the nation) are certainly graetful about this news, because Touristique Express was the major travel agency operationaml in these regions. Equally they had become the leading VIP agency for the years 202 0and 2022.


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