Passports just like National identity cards has been a serious issue in our nation, Cameroon in recent years. It is with joy that we bring to you the news that the issue is being looked at. Some time ago, we had been made to understand by the GENERAL DELEGATION FOR NATIONAL SECURITY in French: ÉLÉGATION GÉNÉRALE À LA SÛRETÉ NATIONALE (DGSN) that over 4 million Cameroonians were with double identities. You can read more on that here: 4 MILLION CAMEROONIANS HAVE DOUBLE IDENTITIES. | Alpha Study Group (

Signed on the 25 of may 2023 was a press release on the aspect of international passports production. Below is a picture of the French copy of the press release, but we also offer a translation just below the picture for strict English readers.

The General Delegate for National Security informs those demanding for passports who have been put to wait that, a free enrollment operation will be organized from the 1st of June to the 30th of August 2023 for all passports in the old system that had not been produced be the start of the current new system on 1st of July 2021.

To this effect, the interested persons are called to undertake a free pre-enrollment online on the site [We made the link clickable for you].

For their physical enrollment, they should present themselves on the said date, either at the National Center for Passport Production, or Emi-immigration Commissionary, or at the Diplomatic Representation or any consulate of their choice with the following:

  • A certified photocopy their birth certificate.
  • A certified photocopy of their national identity card
  • A certified photocopy of the marriage certificate for married women
  • And proof of their profession.

This operation that concerns only requesters of the old system that have not requested passports in the current new system and are still awaiting enrolment, will be done in strictly 03 months. No reclamations will be admitted after this period.

The General Delegate for National Security appreciates all the concerned for their conscious patience as they await [positive] results on their passport requests.

Signed: General Delegate for National Security.

            Martin MBARGA NGUELLE

Translation proposed by BUO Genesis KELLY


The above press release was signed on the 25th of May 2023 and its content spans from the 1st of June 2023 to the 30th of August 2023. A period of 3 months. From the post time on this website, all concerned persons are left with 2 months and a few days, (65 days including weekends).

We are sorry, but the understanding of the content has to be done by each and everyone and maybe more professional bodies. We barely assist in a faster circulation of the message as it’s a PRESS RELEASE.


Written for

By: BUO Genesis KELLY.

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