The 2023 – 2024 academic year ended some time ago with the writing of all official or national secondary school exams in the nation, both for the Anglo-Saxon and Francophone subsystems of education. However, at the date of release of this blog or post, all but one of the results as been released and this is not new.
The different national secondary school exams written in Cameroon and the classes in which they are written in are detailed in our post: Education in Cameroon. On the surface, there is, from the Francophone subsystem the BEPC, PROBATOIRE and BACCALAUREATE while in the Anglo-Saxon subsystem we have the GCE ORDINARY LEVEL and the GCE ADVANCED LEVELS.
All the exams of the Francophone subsystem have been released but not the GCE yet. Each of the exams were released independently but both the ordinary and advanced levels of the GCE will be released together. As a matter of fact, the release of the Francophone BACCALAUREATE with extremely poor results is the major reason for the panic in both parents and students.
The Cameroon GCE results should be released on the 26 of July 2024
According to a communique released by the Cameroon GCE Board (CGCEB), the Cameroon GCE results should be released on the 26 of July 2024. However, we parents and some students are enthusiastic of the fact tat it can be released anytime from the 22 of July 2024 and the 26 of July 2024.
Written for www.alstug.com
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