The end of the academic year is fast approaching in the republic of Cameroon. While the vast majority of young Cameroonians are in jubilation as an extensive 3 months holiday is imminent, a minority of them is under high pressure. Despite being the minority, every person, family and institution gives them priority due to their occupation. They are students. Not just students, but students of “examination classes”, as we refer to them in Cameroon. These students are in Forms 5 and Upper Sixth. They will be going in for GCE 2023 session in both the ordinary and advanced levels respectively.
When does the session start?
The starting date for the GCE always depends on what you are talking about. Nonetheless, the start date can be globally divided into; the starting date for practicals and that for theory. The practical session will commence on the 02 of May 2023 (02/05/2023) with the 0746 SBE French, 0540 Food and Nutrition and 0715 Chemistry practical papers, referred to as their paper III, like every other practical paper for both the ordinary and advanced level.
The theoretical or written session of the exam is to commence for both ordinary level and advanced level students on the 30 of May 2023 (30/05/2023) with 0525 Economics for Ordinary level students and 0725 Economics for advanced level arts students and 0755 Geology for advanced level science students.
When does the session end?
The examination session has an overall closing date as the 13 of June 2023 (13/06/2023). Notwithstanding, the practical session is programmed to end on the 19 of May 2023 (19/05/2023) with 595 Computer science and 0740 Food Science and Nutrition. The overall closing or finishing date for the examination session also serves as the scheduled end of the written session of the exam.
The information provided above is based on the G6 FORM provided by the GCE board at the beginning of the academic year and signed by the registrar of the GCE Board, DANG AKUH Dominic.
Written for Alstug Learning | Alpha Study Group
By: BUO Genesis K.
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