O/L Biology 2019 question Two Answer

"O/L Biology 2019 question Two" 2019: Paper 2


(a)   Draw a large and well labelled diagram of an insect pollinated flower. (6 marks)

(b)   Distinguish between pollination and fertilization. (5 marks)

(c)    How is the           (i)         Coconut fruit

                                    (ii)        Cotton seed

                                    (iii)       Mango fruit

         Adapted to their various method of dispersal? (3, 3, 3 marks)

                                                      (Total = 20 marks)

  1. (a)   Draw a large and well labelled diagram of an insect pollinated flower (6 marks)

Diagram of hibiscus flower.


An insect pollinated flower usually has a long style that protrudes outwards with colourful petals to attract insects for pollination. They usually have nectar as well at the bottom of the style. The hibiscus flower is therefore a great example to draw in such a question. Not forgetting that it is well known by almost everyone. (NOTE THAT THE DIAGRAM SHOULD BE LARGE AND NEAT)

(b)   Distinguish between pollination and fertilization. (5 marks)



Require external agents like wind,water

Does not require external agents

Takes place in plants only

Takes place in both plants and animals

Takes place externally

Takes place both internally and externally

It is the deposition of pollen grains on the anthers

It is the fusion of haploid male and female gametes to produce diploid zygotes.

A physical process

A cellular process

Differences between pollination and fertilisation

(c)    How is the     (i)         Coconut fruit adapted for seed dispersal? 

  • It has air within to keep the fruit floating.
  • Possess a hard shell that protects the seed as it falls off the tree.
  • Seed shell is waterproof in nature to prevent water from entering the fruit.
  • The fruit is round and can roll for meters after falling off.

           How is the      (ii)        Cotton seed adapted for seed dispersal? 

  • Seeds are small
  • Seeds are light to be transported by wind.
  • Seeds are feathery in nature.

        How is the      (iii)       Mango fruit adapted for seed dispersal? 

  • Seed is covered by juicy fruit to attract animal.
  • Fruits are sweet and colourful.
  • Fruits have hard and resistant seeds to avoud being destroyed.

                                 (3, 3, 3 marks).

                                                  (Total = 20 marks)



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