O/L Biology 2019 question Three Answer

"O/L Biology 2019 question Three" 2019: Paper 2


(a)   State the function of the human skeleton. (5 marks)

(b)   Make a labelled diagram of a typical synovial joint. (5 marks)

(c)   How does the eye function in vision? (5 marks)

(d)   What is     (i)         Long – sightedness.

                        (ii)        Astigmatism. (2, 3 marks)

                         (Total =20 marks)


  1. (a)   State the function of the human skeleton (5 marks)
  • The skeleton functions in articulation or movement of body parts such as arms.
  • The skeleton protects inner fragile organs like the brain, spinal cord, heart etc
  • The long bone is the site of production of blood cells e.g. red blood cells are produced in the red bone marrow via a process called erythropoiesis.
  • Site for storage of minerals like calcium.
  • The skeleton gives shape
  • The skeleton supports the body and keeps it in place

(b)   Make a labelled diagram of a typical synovial joint. (5 marks)


(c)   How does the eye function in vision? (5 marks)

For an object to be seen,light rays have to travel from the object into the eyes.

  • Light travels from an object into the eye.
  • The light is slightly refracted by the conea and aqueous humour.
  • The light then passes to the lens where the most important amount of refraction is done.
  • This light then passes through the vitreous humour before landing on the retina.
  • The image formed on the retina is inverted. The signal is transferred via the optic nerves to the brain where the information is integrated.

(d)   What is  (2, 3 marks)

(i)         Long – sightedness

This is a condition where a person can see only distant objects. This is because the image of near objects are formed behind the retina.

(ii)        Astigmatism

This is a condition where a person sees blurry because of poor refraction of light at either the conea or lens or poor curvature at the retina.                                                                                  

(Total =20 marks)


You can check out;

Question one here

Question two here


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